Front End Select DB Join Repeated Group

Hi there i have a problem in a repeated group with the front end select of a db join element.
In the first repeated group the front end select of the db join works fine.
However if i add a new group the front end select will not trigger.
It looks like the front end select will only trigger once.
Tested the following: adding two repeated groups then front end select db join in second repeat it works. But then the front end select in the first group will again not trigger. Just to clarify the pop up opens and i see the list from the db join however it will simply not add the record if you already used the front end select in another repeated group.

Does anyone has a solution for this?

Running on Joomla 3.6.5 - Fabrik 3.5.2
1 Form with one Parent Group and one Child Group which is repeatable.
Within the repeated group there is a db join element which selects from another list.
In real words: There is a stock list and in the form you can select a material as a repeated group from this stock list.
I can't replicate this, although I am seeing some other slightly strange behavior with it.

Can you point me at your page, and make sure debug is enabled (in the Fabrik global options).

-- hugh
Hi Hugh,

I am still working offline.

However it looks like i found the problem.
The form is linked in a menu and it will rewrite the url somehow (this at least what i think).
If i use a custom link: my url + "/index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=form&formid=10" it works!.

However how i can solve this? Same happens if i use the Form Module instead.
Turning off the "Use URL Rewriting" and "Search Engine Friendly URLs" in the joomla general configuration solves the problem but it does not look nice!
I still can't really replicate it. I'll need to see it happening on your site, or a test site I can get at.

-- hugh
Not sure whether this problem is still on your radar, but I encountered the same issue.
Not a repeat group, but two dbjoin with frontend popup selects.
Whenever one of the popups was used, the other popup won't allow a selection to return.
Turning off "Search Engine Friendly URLs" will prevent the problem.
Not sure whether this problem is still on your radar, but I encountered the same issue.
Not a repeat group, but two dbjoin with frontend popup selects.
Whenever one of the popups was used, the other popup won't allow a selection to return.
Turning off "Search Engine Friendly URLs" will prevent the problem.
OK, I'll try and replicate that. I never could replicate the OP's problem.

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