Frontend editing and ACL


I did a little test for a project:
Basically a order system in the making. I am using a lot of joined tables there. The plan is that customers can create an order by clicking around but we also want 'managers' to be able to edit and update DBses from the front end.
So far I have only seen one button, switching the frontend editing on or off. (element: "add option in front end") It seems no ACL connected to that option?
Is there a better way to do this? For example with some form settings?
Yes, an ACL added to "Add option in frontend" would be nice.
What you can do:
Add option in frontend = NO
Frontend select = YES

In your list: Add records = manager
So in the "Frontend select" popup list managers will see the ADD, customers won't.
It would be nice, but we're a little swamped atm.

Yo could work round this for now, by copying the List and having a users view and a managers view, on different menu items, which set the db element options differently.

-- hugh