Help with building a quote calculator

i now tried entering all that code in the plugin code area and the result is, drum rooooolll....... redirection to home page.
i now tried entering all that code in the plugin code area and the result is, drum rooooolll....... redirection to home page.
What code exactly?

And my result is a blank page. If I look at the source of the blank page, the <br /> tags are there but nothing else.
I also still don't understand how to get my result printed out in the site template and not just a blank page.
Did you read my comments on this in the previous post?
Hi rackem. Thanks for your patience with me!

Check my post right before that last one. I entered the code exactly as I have it there. And yes I followed your instruction to the T.
Do you have Joomla error reporting set to Maximum? If so, you should have seen uninitialised variable notices. Doing this will help you a lot!!
Thanks Sophist I'll try that. I really don't know what to do anymore. Thinking of just hiring someone to write me a script. Fabrik is just so complicated.
Hmmm - Fabrik is nowhere near as complicated as doing this without Fabrik. Creating a database application in any tool needs some understanding.

But if you want to hire someone, I would recommend hiring Rob or Hugh - they are experts in Fabrik and could probably have this up and running for you in no time.

The thing is, I'm just battling so much with this seemingly simple task. I could have probably written a script in the time I've been battling to figure out how the get my form elements into variables. I haven't even started yet with trying to query the database.

I've tried to get hold of rob but haven't received any feedback.
This forum is for Subscribers on the Free plan. Members of staff will respond on a best effort basis, which will depend on the current Subscriber Support load. We also encourage community self-help in this forum, so if you can help someone, please do so! Good karma up for grabs.
I don't think Rob or Hugh have free time at the moment to support the community forum (beside of bug reports).
Thanks troester. Would some please just mond telling me how do I get the information a user enters in a form? This form does not update the database.
I'm using the php plugin and I have a custom script file. Nothing I've done as per my previous posts so far has worked. I've also tried various things as laid out in the wiki.
I simply cannot get the info entered in the form returned. I need to use that info to do a calculation from info I have in a table in the database and then print all the results out in a table.

I just need to get the info from the form into variables that I can use! Please help me :(
The form's data is stored as an array and can be accessed with
$formModel->formData // for onAfterProcess - use short element names: 'element' - no table name
So did you try
$childdependents = $formModel->formData['nr_child_dependents'];
echo $childdependents . '<br />';
I tried various versions of it from that direction in the wiki. Not sure if I tried it your way though. I'm almost positive there's and underscore in front of formdata in that example in the wiki?
I did try that but ended up getting either a blank page or redirected to home page. But I had the 3 underscores in front of the element name... should I leave them out?
It depends on your "Process script" setting:
"onBeforeStore" you need full element names (i.e.[' table___element'], or in your case ['___element'])
"after Data stored" you need short element names ['element']
I think
$childdependents = $formModel->_formData['nr_child_dependents'];
(I didn't try with a search form not storing the data but short element name" is without table and without ___)
Ok cool. Thanks so much for the advice troester. I'll only be able to get to this on Monday though. Will get back to you with feedback!
oi vey, still no luck! :(

this is the code in my script file (nothing in the plugin code area)

$childdependents = $formModel->_formData['nr_child_dependents'];
$adultdependents = $formModel->_formData['nr_adult_dependents'];
$grossSalary = $formModel->_formdata['gross_salary'];
echo $childdependents . '<br />';
echo $adultdependents . '<br />';
echo $grossSalary;

When I submit that form, I get redirected to my home page with no results. (also set error reporting to maximum)

I also tried without using a script file and just entered the code in the plugin code area (without PHP tags), same result.

have I not maybe come across a bug here?
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