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How are the session variables for the Search named?

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New Member
I wrote a custom component that will take me to a Fabrik form and I want to pass in a filter. How do I set the session variables?

I am trying to dynamically filter a set of mambot tables and one mambot form based on a URL sent out via email that contains a unique identifier. The person never logs in or registers with the site so I can't filter it by user ID.

I think for the form I can create an eval element and set the variables using $_REQUEST elements and filter the tables by setting session variables. Then I would modify a template and remove the pagination to keep them on their result.

Does that seem like it would work?

What I would really like to do is be able to have PHP evaluated as part of the table pre-filter, so I could filter the results of the table via the request.

Fabrik form session data is stored in this format:

  [fabrik] => Array
      [78] => Array
          [id] => Array
              [type] => 
              [value] => 36
              [match] => 

where 78 is the form's id, "id" is the element name and 36 the submitted value.

Fabrik table filter data is stored in this format in the session:

[tablename___elementname{com_fabrik}{table}{79}] => data

where 79 is table id, and tablename___elementname is replaced with the name of the table and element.
Setting either the form or table session variable should filter the table's data.

What you're proprosing sounds like it would work. You can also filter the table data by altering the page's url, e.g.:


the name[value]=Brazil will filter the table's data to return rows whose element name "name" contains matches for "Brazil"
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