How to count number of Joomla Users?


New Member
I would simply like to know how many users have registered on the site and which one they are in the registration order.

With this info I'd also like to create a stats panel when I login that can show this number, total users. Later it should also say like new users today/this week/month etc.

The problem is that Joomla don't start with user 0 or 1, but always a random number like 371. Why is that btw?

I find it more logical if admin = 0 and first registered user = 1

Can this be shifted around somehow or some new calculation be done?

I have tried to create a new column [MemNr] that would count like 375 (current reg user) - 371 (first user/admin) = 4th user, and assign it to the users table.

But the counting doesn't work, it's always 0 (zero) whatever I tried.

Last failed attempt was with Element/List view settings/Calculations/Custom calc/Split PHP/

$memNr = 371-'{fab_user_registration___juser_id}';
return $memNr;

Any ideas how to get the true count of Joomla users and/or get Joomla to count users from zero?
All infos are in Joomla's #__users table.
Link a Fabrik list to it (make sure to set "Alter field typess"=no) and set (pre-)filters as you need.
Count with "Count" calculation.
Or do it with calc elements and queries on #_users

It doesn't make sense to handle/modify the userIds: they are unique, maybe used somewhere else (you may break your site), maybe with gaps (deleted users...).