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how to do it?


New Member

Sorry for topic description, but i cant find any meaningfull.

I stumb on some problem and i would like to ask You for some sugestions.

i have two lists log_threats and log_entrys
many log_entrys pointing to single log_threat
this works great

now i would lige to create form (note) in wich i would add single entrys to multiple threads.
base problem for me is that thread may not exists beforo creating a note, and entry definitly not exist before.

i can add threads to note, search them, add new from front end, but "entrys" seems elude for me.

please help :)

Best regards
I can't follow the description.
First you have a many to one relation (entries to threats)
And now you want to create the opposite with a third form (one(entry) to many(threat) relation)?
Probably I just don't understand the background :)
I can't follow the description.
First you have a many to one relation (entries to threats)
And now you want to create the opposite with a third form (one(entry) to many(threat) relation)?
Probably I just don't understand the background :)

Thank you, i try to clarify.

1. many entries on single threat - yes
2. i want to create "bisness note" on whitch i will put all topics talked about. Each discused topic will be one entry to one thread. but i can talk about many topics (threads) so multiple threads will occur on this note ( as last entry , not whole thread). And finaly , some threads may not exist before making note becouse that will arise at meating. and entries will be always new created on this note.

Hope this help
Hmm, seems good programming skills are required.
Basically you will have a repeating group in your 'bisness note' and on form submission you need to iterate through all instances (form php plugin).
For each group you need to check, if the threat is already there or if you need to create it (sql). Afterwards create the entrie and fill it with the data (sql e.g. link to threat).
I'm not sure, how you have linked entrie and threat, therefor you need to check in the database, which table fields need to be updated/created.
Some help could be the wiki -> http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/php-common-tasks/#insert
Thank You,

You show me right direction.
I tried to do this by related data, but i will do this as you sugest.
entrys will be duplicated, first in "note" and after submition will copy it to "thread". but will work.