How to show image in a databasejoin element?


I found a post from Hugh in 2017 (, which half explains how to do it.

But when I add my image fieldname into the description field, it comes back with the link address only, not an image. How do I get the image to show please?

I'm trying to build a simple form for the ladies in our handicrafts project. I want all links to be images so it's quick and easy for them to complete the form. The basics are complete, but I need to work out how to show images for their choices rather than text - they're pretty technophobic and reluctant to fill in anything too complicated, but it's important for us to get their product timesheets so we can minimise waste and cost.
I've gone another way with this, but I would still be interested in knowing how to do this if it's possible?
Description field is SQL.
You can build HTML with CONCAT, e.g.
CONCAT('<b>some text: </b>',the-column-name)

so (I didn't test) something like
CONCAT('<img src="',the-column-name,'"/>')
Ah! I tried HTML, but didn't think of SQL... Thanks Troester :)

Works great! Needs a bit of css design, but apart from that it's fine. Other users be aware that initially css display: none; so nothing appears on screen - inspect element to confirm it's there.
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