HTML on the fly

Dear All

I need your help please ...

What I want to do is the following:
The user has a form that allows him to enter base information to create an invoice, including the net value, gross value and the VAT value. In addition he has a text field to enter some details about what was purchased. The data are then stored in a list.

Another user can now see the list and click on a row to see the specific invoice details. Now - I would like to have a little button (or something else) that allows the user to generate a printable version of the invoice. One idea I have is that "something" generates a HTML on the fly which could be shown in a browser. From there the user could print the invoice. Is that possible and if so, how could I do this?

I intentionally do not want to create a file that needs to be stored, purely for data protection and security reasons.

Your help is highly appreciated and any ideas ae more than welcomed.

Best regards

and many thanks for your response. Is there any possibility to customize what is being printed. E.g. using a template with a logo and placeholders to show the information the way I would like it to be shown? the print version should become a proper invoice type of style ...

Thanks and best regards
you can create a custom template for invoice details
then create link or button with url like:
javascript:'./index.php?option=com_fabrik&tmpl=component&view=details&formid=8&rowid={attends___serial}&layout=invoice'); w.print();

when the user click on the link , it will open print preview for invoice details with the new template (layout=invoice)
You can use this custom template already as details template, then you don't need an extra link/button
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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