HTTP 500 Installing Fabrik


Rebuilding our server and have the latest version of PHP, MySQL and installing on IIS 10. Everything has gone as planned until I go to install Fabrik. Install just terminates after about 30-45 seconds. Checked PHP settings to make sure there was not a timeout happening and have made adjustments to make sure that is not the case. Took at look at the PHP logs and don't see anything there.

Also tried going back several versions 3.9 and 3.8 same results.

IIS Log shows a series of GETs with the last being:

Really not sure what the deal is.


Forgive, me with Joomla 4 not supported that is out. Below are the versions:

PHP 8.1.6
MySQL 8.0.29
Joomla 3.10.9

Fabrik3.10 is installing without problems on J!3.10.9 php8.1.5 on my site.

Although Fabrik3.10 is not php8 ready, you should update from GitHub after the installation (and even then there maybe issues - please report).

Did you enable Joomla error reporting?
With max you'll get a bunch of deprecated messages (already from Joomla) but this should not hurt.

What are your php params (upload_max_filesize, post_,max_size (>100M), memory_limit (>128M), max_input_vars...)

Or maybe you are missing some php extension.
My thoughts are the same, just have not been able to nail down the culprit :

upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
memory_limit = 256M
max_input_vars (was not enabled, just enabled with = 1000 and am testing)

Enabled extensions:

I last site was setup for over 6 years so it has been a while since setting up a new webserver.

I will also check out the logging and test with the one change above.

Tried enabling Joomla error reporting to Maximum and all I get is depreciated messages that do not allow me to access the sight to do the install with error reporting enabled.

As for installing from GithHub is there a writeup about how to go about doing that?

That is a great question, after setting error reporting to maximum I was no longer able to access the page. I now have it set to default and as indicated have enabled Joomla System Debug.

This is what I get as a message now:

JInstaller: :Install: Can't find XML setup file.
Table 'www_incrediblydesigned_com.xvyxs_fabrik_joins' doesn't exist
Package Install: There was an error installing an extension:

The message is correct, the table is not being created. What is odd is that nothing has changed with the settings related to MySQL username/password and the install of Joomla had no issues creating tables. Also the install of another extension was fine as well.

So I downloaded another copy from to make sure there was not an issue with the other download. Installed again and now I am getting the 500 error page which gives me no information from having joomla system debug enabled.

After getting the 500 error went back and did the install again, no changes to anything and back to the Warning in my last post.
Is this a new, clean Joomla installation or some updated/copied site?
Table 'www_incrediblydesigned_com.xvyxs_fabrik_joins' doesn't exist
It seems the Joomla installer is trying to run Fabrik's update SQL files.

You can try to
- unpack the Fabrik package
- remove all files in administrator\components\com_fabrik\sql\updates\mysql
- pack again
- install
This is a new install. However, with many attempts to install Fabrik which may be causing the confusion. So the database does not contain the fabrik tables. Not sure if what you are suggesting will allow the install to run and create the necessary MySQL tables. or will just not do the updates. I can give it a shot though.

UPDATE: Just tried to unpack and maybe I am missing something but there is an XML file with a 'packages' folder which contains all of the *.zip files. I am missing something here.

The files are in\packages\\admin\sql\updates\mysql

So use a tool of your choice or unpack twice ( and then
Tried as directed, unpacked/unpacked removed just the files in the mysql folder. Repacked/verified the structure was exactly the same. Tried to install again and this time I get the following:


Followed by:

Call stack
Function Location
1 () JROOT\plugins\system\fabrik\fabrik.php:105
2 PlgSystemFabrik->__construct() JROOT\libraries\src\Plugin\PluginHelper.php:280
3 Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() JROOT\libraries\src\Plugin\PluginHelper.php:182
4 Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\CMSApplication.php:667
5 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->initialiseApp() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\SiteApplication.php:686
6 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->initialiseApp() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\SiteApplication.php:212
7 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\CMSApplication.php:225
8 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() JROOT\index.php:49
Installing the original on a clean J!3.10.9 with php8.1.5 on a Linux server is defintively working.

After an incomplete Fabrik installation there may be remaining stuff (installed but disabled plugins, files and/or DB tables, entries in #_extensions and #_schemas etc.) breaking a new installation.
Try to clean up
Try with a new clean environment
Try your Joomla and Fabrik version on a regular server, then compare your configuration, folder access etc.
The clean install did the trick. Have to believe this was a configuration issue compounded a reinstall. As always thanks for your support.