Imagick lib does not work with F4?

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My Fabrik3 fileupload elements used to work with Imagick library but i had to change them all to GD to make them work in Fabrik4. I am not sure it is related to php version though. My Fabrik 3 site was running with php7.4 and Fabrik4 site with php 8.1.
No idea, I think this is outside Fabrik.
And if it's working with GD...

Out of interest:
Does it show Imagick in the fileupload lib selection?
What did not work in F4? Error messages? JS errors?
I manage my server also so i install the necessary php imagick libs always myself and yes Imagick is listed as an option in fileupload. Joomla system error message (500 system error) is displayed only. no JS errors.
By the way, already uploaded files do work. If i try to upload a new one and click submit button then the error shows.
The following is the error dsiplayed.

HTTP 500 Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

Compile Error: Cannot use HTMLHelper as HTMLHelper because the name is already in use
  • Exception
  • Stack Trace
in /home/egekbb/domains/ (line 15)
  1. defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
  2. use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
  3. use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper;
  4. use \HTMLHelper;
  5. use \Fabrik\Helpers\StringHelper;
  6. use \NewMagickWand;
  7. /**
  8. * Image magic image manipulation class
Deleting the line works. thank you. i had to delete the same thing somewhere else in the early days of fabrik4 while trying to make it work but i have forgotten that i did.
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