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import csv problem


I exported a csv file from my list for testing purposes as i wanted to make sure everything is working fine. I tried to import the same csv file but im getting a notice.

on the front end it says

Sorry the following fields in the CSV File are not found in this table:id_1, id_raw_1,

on the back end

New headings found
The CSV data structure you chose to import does not fully match with that of 'User Profile'.

For any of the CSV columns you wish to add to the list 'User Profile' please click 'yes' under the 'Create a new element' column.

For all fields please indicate their element type and whether they are a primary key

i checked my elements and i don't have this new elements the only thing that is close if you delete the _1 are my internal id for the repeat and the standard internal id of fabrik

any ideas? Any help is much appreciated.

thanksFabrik: import csv - G.A. Tower2 - Administration 2020-08-08 00-18-06.jpgProfile Manager 2020-08-08 00-17-35.jpg
Which format did you export (which list settings?)?
How is your csv file looking (with a standard text editor, e.g. notepad++, not with Excel or so)?
Do you have joins, repeat groups, multiselect elements etc?
troester thank you for your reply

Which format did you export (which list settings?)?

i just clicked the export to csv button. i did not change any setting if any. i attach a photo of my settings

How is your csv file looking (with a standard text editor, e.g. notepad++, not with Excel or so)?

my csv file uses coma and double quotes

Do you have joins, repeat groups, multiselect elements etc?

i have drop downs
radio buttons, file upload, i have repeating group
but no joins.

Any ideas please, what i should do? thanks again

cuser_prfile-export.csv — gatower2 2020-08-08 17-04-37.jpg Fabrik: edit list "User Profile" - G.A. Tower1 - Administration 2020-08-08 17-01-55.jpg Fabrik: elements - G.A. Tower2 - Administration 2020-08-08 17-12-30.jpg Fabrik: elements - G.A. Tower2 - Administration 2020-08-08 17-12-12.jpg Fabrik: elements - G.A. Tower2 - Administration 2020-08-08 17-11-48.jpg Fabrik: elements - G.A. Tower2 - Administration 2020-08-08 17-11-48.jpg
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I am getting the same error... from an exported file with no _raw When I go to import I get -
Sorry the following fields in the CSV File are not found in this table: list every field I had in the exported file
@rongame: I think you can't import into a repeat group, it's using an additional table (it's a list join created by Fabrik)

Is it complaining about every single field? -> did you choose the correct table for import?
or is it complaining about one long field (concatenation of all your field names) -> wrong csv format/delimiter
@rongame: I think you can't import into a repeat group, it's using an additional table (it's a list join created by Fabrik)

Is it complaining about every single field? -> did you choose the correct table for import?
or is it complaining about one long field (concatenation of all your field names) -> wrong csv format/delimiter
Yes it has every field is listed. I used the same file I exported .... I will check to see about the delimiters
It works in the Backend for import using the same file... but in the front end... comes up with "Sorry the following fields in the CSV File are not found in this table:" Listing each field with a comma in between.
Same list, same access settings... (are you logged in as superadmin?), same import options selected...?