Is there anybody out there that knows for sure if the Run php plugin works or not?


New Member
Im using joomla 2.5.9

Would someone please inform me if the Run PHP fabrik's form plugin works or not?

It is very important to me to know it, as my project deeply depend on it.

So far no one seems to be capable to answer it or interested in providing any help.
Yes, it definitely works.

If you want to point me at your unanswered questions, I'll look at them now. Apologies if it seems we lack the ability or interest in answering your questions, as that really isn't the case. We've been insanely busy trying to get 3.1 out, accommodating some rather large changes in the J! core for J! 3.0 and the latest FF and IE browser changes, whilst supporting Fabrik 2.1 and 3.0 for J! 1.0, 1.5 and 2.5.

-- hugh
thanks cheesegrits

Mi apologies right back to you if I sounded mean... I'm just so frustrated with this run PHP that seems not to be working at all.

On the other hand my I sugest for next version to have a video channel with videos... that way you will get rid off a thousans question, giving you more time to dedicate to developpe even a more powerful fabrik