Joomla update to 3.5


After joomla update to 3.5, fabrik plugin - cascading dropdown not working in frontend with fontanie, but in backend its works.
Can you help me?
Yes, I did it!
and this plugin not working on change, but on save works.
Last edited:
I can't replicate.
Did you clear Joomla and browser cache?
but in backend its works
This sounds like a Joomla template issue. Which Joomla template do you have? Is is working with Joomla's original Protostar template?
Thank you!
Yes, with Protostar it is working, but what I should to check in my template, I dont now... I'm using Fontaine template and before Joomla 3,5 updating this plugin works.
template author answered:
Please contact fabrik plugin component, probably they need to release an update. Ensure you are using their latest version just in case they've released it recently.
It's not working after updated template. Look at this, please...


  • Screenshot 2016-04-07 11.47.30.png
    Screenshot 2016-04-07 11.47.30.png
    160.8 KB · Views: 112