JUser Error?


Hi, I'm having trouble with the JUser plugin. I'm running the GitHub latest and it's providing errors when users try to edit their own User Profile.

1) Error reporting gets turned on.
2) It says " Username in use." and "This email address is already registered."

It seems that it's not capturing the user_id in Post data for some reason. I have an older version of JUser that's working just fine.

This only happens with a My Profile menu item I have where I have rowid = -1 and keyname = user_id.

I tried reverting to the current stable version of the plugin rather than the GitHub and that didn't help.
I just tried updating the stable version of 3.7 and it solved the problem. So, something's up with the current GitHub version. Also, by the way, your download site is acting up. It's not sending the files as downloads.
Yeah, I'm fighting an issue, but am on the road today, it'll be this evening before I can resolve it.

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Hmmm, I have a feeling that may have gotten broken in this commit:


... with a change to form.php (you'll have to scroll down that commit history a but to find it), where I commented out this chunk of code around line 1113 ...

            * $$$ hugh - when loading origdata on editing of a rowid=-1/usekey form,
            * the rowid will be set to the actual form tables's rowid, not the userid,
            * so we need to unset 'usekey', otherwise we end up with the wrong row.
            * I thought we used to take care of this elsewhere?
            * $$$ 7/25/2017 - don't think this is true any more

            $isUserRow = $this->isUserRowId();

            if ($isUserRow)
                $origUseKey = $input->get('usekey', '');
                $input->set('usekey', '');

I didn't actually mean to commit that, I wanted to test it for a while. There was some other corner case (which unfortunately I can't remember now) where unsetting 'usekey' was causing problems.

Anyway, try editing that file, components/com_fabrik/models/form.php, and remove the open and close comment lines from around that chunk of code. See if that fixes the problem.

-- hugh
It's working again for me. I know I use that -1, user_id feature in multiple places. And I recall that others use that as well. It's a really is a nice feature for developing our independent user management features.

As always, thanks.
Yeah, I didn't intend to break it. I was fixing a corner case, and accidentally broke it in other ways. I guess sooner or later I'll come across the issue I was trying to fix, which will now be broken again. :(

-- hugh
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