Labels/elements disappear when tool tip used.

Geoff Cloake

New Member
I have just noticed labels (and elements if selected) disappear after mouse hovers off any tool tip or validation message that may be set.

Please refer to and observe bahviour for Name, Email, How did you... , and Please answer human...

I see the CSS 'display=none' remains.

I have the lastest version from GitHub installed. Can you help me with this please?
sorry still no go - gives me a 404 works, but not the subdomain
Hey Rob,

Setting the template to protostar does fix the issue!

Is this a template issues or Fabrik issue supporting the template?

Many thanks,
the template is loading its own version of bootstrap and not that supplied by joomla that could be an issue
To give a more detailed explanation:

Joomla's version of BS2.3.2 has been modified to change some defaults. Templates that override this with a standard version exhibit this behaviour. I first discovered this with a T3-based template, but this will happen with any other templates which override the Joomla BS version.