Link for another table data

I have two tables: Clients and Marketing

Clients has several elements like:
1. Company Name
2. Contact
3. Phone
4. Email
5. Address
6. Logo (image)
7. Map (Image)
8. Background
9. Enquiry

1. Area
2. Traffic
3. Module
4. Display
5. Imression
6. Splits
7. Company Name
8. Enquiry Form

What I am trying to do is:

1. When I show Marketing data, it should have one element showing company name. When this Company name is clicked, the complete client profile should be opened from Client table.
2. When I press enquiry, user can submit their query. This query needs to be emailed to the Client and also submitted in the database.
Can you suggest if how this be can done... Any help would be really appreciated.
Como? como se puede enlazar dos tablas de una primera poner el link digamos en name de una primera tabla y luego enlace a otra tabla en id (que es solo en relacion al 'name'), por ejemplo de musica por decir algo y se pueda visualizar la tabla.
En otro caso se enlazaria con direcciondelapagina?=id
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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