List copy plugin or Form Copy issue



I'm linking a list to an existing ERP table, that has an index formed by 3 fields, that must be unique on the table.


By using copy list plugin, or form copy button, I have an error related with that uniqueness...

Is there a way to have an increment on the Number filed, everytime I use list copy plugin, or form copy button?

I can't have an auto increment field, because the Number is related with SerieId and DocumentTypeId fields, this is, I can have, for example, document number 1 multiple times, depending on the Document Type and Serie Id.

Thanks in advance.
Is this only a unique index or a composes primary key?
There's the seequence element but it seems to do nothing on copy.
I assume you can't use build-in Fabrik copy but must do it with php plugins.
Playing a bit with the sequence element: It's doing onCopy (not sure what I did before).

It should do (at least on form Copy button) with
Method = Submit
Sequence Query something like
select max(your-number-column)+1 from your-table where your-doc_type-column={your-doc-type-element} and your serie-id-column={your-serie-ide-element}
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