List Email Plugin stays Loading

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Click on the row's envelope icon displays the email window indicating 1 record selected.
After clicking the Send button, the spinning wheel and loading... appears and just hangs.
Not sure what all this points to, with Web tools displaing,
When clicking in the email's row selector box
DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Element': '#slickid__ !' is not a valid selector.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403

The plugin was working back on the 5th April on php7.2, now on php7.3
Following settings are used for the list which is available to logged in users on the front-end
The Get email address from option > set to Defined in 'Email to' with a valid email address typed in the Email to field
No difference if the Send from user is set to No or Yes
Access set to Public

The plugin is working on a back-end list when 'Select from Elements' for the Get email address from with the same setup

If it's working in the backend it sounds like a template (or maybe 3rd party module) issue.
phh7.3 may throw warnings where php7.2 doesn't.
What you can try:
  • To exclude user access issues: did you try frontend login as super admin (as in the backend)?
  • Do you have the same frontend and admin Fabrik list template?
  • Try with standard Protostar Joomla template
  • What are your Joomla error reporting settings? max or dev may create warnings/notices which are breaking JSON responses. (But in these cases you usually get some "unexpected token..." in the browser console.) Try if error reporting = none will help.
  • Check in your browser's Network tab in "Response" for php warnings etc.
Hi troester and thanks for your reply
Confirming the email plugin on the list which is set to The Get email address from option > set to Defined in 'Email to' works in the back-end.
And still not working in the front end
Using the standard Protostar frontend template
Joomla error reporting = none
No PHP warnings in browser Network tab
Not working even if you are logged in frontend in as superadmin?
"Email to" is a placeholder or hardcoded?
Have now done a full github as of today.
All files were upload with no issues, and operating on J3.9.26, F3.9 and PHP7.4
Want to send one email to multiple users with the Email List Plugin.
Have used the following Email tab setting of the plugin
Recipient method > Multiple
Get email address from > Select from elements
You can select the two rows, with the pop-out window confirming 2 emails selected, and after clicking Send, the confirmation of 1 email sent is displayed.
On the sent email, only the email address of the recipient from the first row selected is sent however, that email will repeat the message for each selected row. as per screen shots
Selecting the Single option for the Recipient method and with the same result.
Could this be a php7.4 issue?
The other issues are still occurring but I would like to get the plugin working on a basic list

Email Setting.JPG Email.JPG
I just tested, it's working without issues on a php7.4 site from backend and frontend.
So it must be something with your site settings, Joomla template, 3rd party components/plugins etc.
Thanks troester for confirming.
The frontend template has always been the Joomla Protostar.
Only 3rd party component install recently is Akeeba Backup.
Community Quiz is also installed but has been for 12 months
Will keep on checking the site settings
hi troester
Thought I would tackle one problem at a time and hopefully it sorts itself out in the end
Confirming my List Email Plugin is working fine in the backend if you only need to send just one email to one recipient at a time.
However, when you select multiple rows to an email to multiple recipients (i.e. 5 emails) the email is just sent to the first recipient of the five selected.
When the Recipient method is set to Multiple, the pop-out widow acknowledges "5 Emails" but displays 1 Email sent at the end.
No difference whether the plugin's Recipient method is set to Single or Multiple.
When selecting the Define in 'email to' field, typing in 5 separate email addresses into the "email to' box, all five emails are sent.
It seems the email plugin's row selector box is not working, even though a tick appears in the five row boxes.

Thanks again for your time
However, when you select multiple rows to an email to multiple recipients (i.e. 5 emails) the email is just sent to the first recipient of the five selected.
I think this is the normal behaviour. If you click the row button the plugin is run for exactly this row (you don't need to select the row before and if you have multiple rows selected it will unselect all others).
If you select multiple rows you must use the button in the table header.

But all this has nothing to do with your thread title "...stays loading...".
hi troester
The problem in the backend was the 'Merge' setting. So backend is working as should.
So no issues the plugin and php7.4.
Deleted the plugin on the frontend list and re-installed, still the hanging issue.
At least I know it's a site issue either to do with access, or a setting that is looking straight at me that i cant see
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