list js elements (sorting, inline editing) stop working often, require page refresh

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on my lead screen on skyforce, the sorting and inline editing functions frequently stop working. there are no js errors on ff, but on chrome i get:
observer not found  mootools-ext.js:115
always (ie i get this both when the js on the page works and when it doesn't)

to fix it, i have to press refresh (often many times before it works).

you can replicate this by sorting by one of the columns and keep sorting until it gives up. (this may be related to the groups not being populated??? timing issue on multiple loads of mootools/jquery? just a guess).
The console notice is due to the fact that the cdd when loaded in the inline edit cant find the parent watch element to observe. It wont be that notice though causing the issue.

Did you have the list set to use ajax when you reported this issue, and have since changed it to not use ajax, as for me ordering causes a page refresh and works pretty much every time.
i've tried it both ways (ajax and no). it still fails for me on chrome and ff after 2 or 3 clicks to the 'score' column. after it fails, a click does nothing (no page reload).

seems really similar to the dropdown options not loading (which i get about the same frequency). i get your js 'ooops' message on that alot and pressing OK loads the options. great workaround though as i don't inadvertently clear out my data now!

my suspicion is it's something in my environment (slow network?) that exacerbates the issue for me and that others will see it as you roll out. you're welcome to 'teamviewer' into my pc to see it happen.
ok think this is fixed. I've committed the changes to github and have updated your site.
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