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Looking to do a favorites, then display favorites and be able to email

I have a voice talent app that i am building and it displays and allows listening to voice talent examples.. the customer would like to be able to have a icon that is a + under title favorite. Once you click the icon it changes to a favorite icon or check mark (i have graphics already). So as they go through the list they can keep clicking their favorites. Once they are done browsing the list there should be a show favorites button somewhere in the template. When you click this button it should sort the list and display only the favorites that were selected. At this point there should be an option to be able to email this list to someone else in the way that that user can click the link and bring up the same favorites list that this person has just selected for review... they would like this to be able to be done via non registration (meaning no user login or profiles)...

So maybe there is a way the sort can display a given url that can form the list? Any ideas/help would be greatly appreciated as this is a bit beyond my skillset. Or if professional support doesn't cover i will need a quote from your team on how much this would cost to build.

site is in my profile or http://bs.fractik.com

I have not added that field yet into the app because I am not sure how to best to add it. I assume it would be a image type plugin but wanted to wait till i got some feedback before starting.

Please see below images for how they want this to function and look, thanks

any thoughts on this or etc? thought i would have at least 1 reply by now from the team... Please let me know as I really need to get this feature done even if i have to pay the team to help me accomplish it via quote and pro services. Thanks

I assume it would be changing the state of a field, and then watching it. And creating a button via php code that will take all those records and sort them into a specific list with url. then the email can grab the formed url and send it out? I asusme that would be the method of doing so but how to code is well beyond my skillset.

hi Sorry this thread wasn't replied to.

To answer your question we have a 'thumbs' element http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/thumbs-element which allows users to like (and dislike) a record. This could be used to mark the tracks as favorites

The votes are stored in the database table #__fabrik_thumbs. So you can query that as part of a pre-filter to show a user a list of their favourite tracks. I've added how to do that to the wiki page I listed above.

but is there a way to do it without having everyone as a user? like anonymous web users? I do not think they will want everyone to login and have to create accounts to be able to do these things as it complicates the app. I am looking for more of an ondemand function not a user based function hmmm.

I will look into the link... thanks
The thumb element does allow guests to "thumbs up", using a hash based on their IP address, which we then create a cookie for in their browser. Which can change at any time, depending how they are connecting to the net.

I don't think the thumbs element as-is is exactly what you need, though. For instance, it shows you a number overlaid on the thumb, indicating how many people have rated a given row, whereas your mockups use a simple "favorite" star icon. That might be something that could be overridden with some custom JS or CSS, I'm not sure.

But there are quite a few other issues which would be tough to work through. Like filtering the list of "liked" rows. It's easy to pre-filter by user ID, but would require custom PHP to filter by the "hash" for guests, as that would have to be re-calculated on the fly when filtering, it's not something which is "just there" to use as part of a filter.

The emailing part would require some thought as well. We do have an email plugin for lists, which allows the user to provide a recipient address. And a template could be built which would provide a ink back to the site. But then being able to view the list that was selected by the sending user ... I can't think of a way off the top of my head of doing that, as obviously the 'hash' for the sending user wouldn't match the one for the recipient ...

I understand what you are trying to achieve, but this would be tough even for me to do. Not impossible, but time consuming. And Rob and myself are just too busy to take on a custom job of this size right now.

I'll ask around, see if I can find someone else who would have the time and expertize.

hmmm.. that would be great. im sorta stuck with this and client is breathing down my neck.. ugh.. you guys need a bigger team, lol...

for a work around would it be easy to add an email button that i could email individual records somehow? hmmm Thing is I don't have detail records because I don't need them so not sure how linking and emailing would work....

if i could get it somewhat done by users method it could be good, but even that seems unsure about how i can email the favorites from one user to another...

but thanks for the help. keep me updated on what you can find... or if and when you guys have the time...
It may be that we just can't do it. Fabrik is a good "tool kit" for doing a lot of things, but in this case I don't the the tools you need are in the kit.

It might be possible to use a different approach, which uses the list email plugin. Selecting the standard checkboxes on the list, and hitting the "Email" button, and having the links to the selected rows included in the email, rather than linking back to a filtered list. That's the biggest problem, is I just don't see a way of filtering the list down to what the original user "thumbed up", which is the way you want to do it.

It may not be the ideal approach, but I think it would work, with perhaps a small amount of scripting.

I suggest you set up the email plugin, and take a look at the various options.

-- hugh
thank you for the suggestion.. I will definitely have to look into that. Because at this point I do not want to waste time and/or money any longer on this project as I am already over budget and will be losing money soon if I don't finish it....

That should at least please my client for now...

as for the email links. does that link to a list of some sort or does it have to link to the details of the record? I do not have details public since they aren't needed. What is displayed in the list is enough for the users to view...
not exactly sure how to use the email plugin hmm.. time to do some reading and see what I can figure out.. I think this will work just fine and be a good alternative to what the customer wants. As long as they can email records and have a link to them for other users to review, that will meet their requirements. the favorites way is just a prettier way of doing it.

Ok figured out how to load the email plugin.. Now a few questions...

How do i get the email to to be a user entered field? I don't understand why its a dropdown or trying to select a field.....

Second, how do I add the items into the email? Do i need to use some type of placeholders or something?

Also is there a way to get rid of the email icon within the record and only have it somewhere on the page (1 instance not multiple)....

I've tested a bit.
1. update from GitHub (there has been an issue if merging mails)
2. create a email-template (this may be an article or a HTML template) containg nothing but
make sure there are no surrounding HTML tags like e.g.<p>

2. plugin settings:
"Options": I would set WYWIWYG editor =no
Get email address from = Defined in email to field, email to = empty, email field display = editable
(this way the user can add the email he wants)
Template ord Content template: select the one you have created
Attachments: no

"Merge Mails": yes
</br><a href="http://the-link-to-your-table&your-table___id[value]=
0&your-table___id[condition]=IN">my favorites</a>
table id is the Db table on lists menu? so mine would be bsound_app_voicelink? or would it be the number id in the lists of lists? in my case its 2..

also is there supposed to be a comma there after that {your-table___id_raw}, just making sure..
got it pulling in stuff into the email but its just the raw code, not actual items. I updated last week to latest GIT but I guess i will go through and update again just to be sure today as it sounds like it changes daily...

This is how the email is showing up when it sends...

0&bsound_app_voicelink[condition]=IN">my favorites

Going to update now to see if that helps any...
No, it's the placeholder of your id element; looking at your other post with the link to your site
your-table = bsound_app_voicelink, so assuming the element name is id (if it's a standard fabrik created list) it should be

(with the ,)

</br><a href="http://bs.fractik.com/?bsound_app_voicelink___id[value]=

0&bsound_app_voicelink___id[condition]=IN">my favorites</a>
This is what I get when i use the above

0&bsound_app_voicelink___id[condition]=IN">my favorites

so i selected 2 records which is great because it shows two (1,2).. when i click the link of one of them i get the following


and it says no records found...