make tables responsive

good morning everyone and thank you for the time you dedicate to me.
I've read some old posts on the subject.

I wanted to know if in the new version there is some new feature that allows the tables to be responsive, because unfortunately I didn't find anything about it.

Among the solutions proposed many years ago, is there any that also solves for version 4 installed on Joomla 5.1.0?
thanks a lot to everyone
Hi there!

Without having read the posts you mentioned: I recently had the issue that a table from a repeated group was not responsive. The reason was that the elements with the plugin field were attributed a fixed width. After some poking around I found a CSS solution:

You need to add this to your user.css

td .form-control {
width: inherit !important;

The original JoomlaCSS says width: auto here.

It's a bit of a hack but it seems to work.

Hi there!

Without having read the posts you mentioned: I recently had the issue that a table from a repeated group was not responsive. The reason was that the elements with the plugin field were attributed a fixed width. After some poking around I found a CSS solution:

You need to add this to your user.css

td .form-control {
width: inherit !important;

The original JoomlaCSS says width: auto here.

It's a bit of a hack but it seems to work.

thanks for your reply. I tried inserting the code into my css, but nothing changed alas.

Hi, it was discussed here.
Make the change while waiting for the next update.
Or alternatively update from github.
