good morning everyone and thank you for the time you dedicate to me.
I've read some old posts on the subject.
I wanted to know if in the new version there is some new feature that allows the tables to be responsive, because unfortunately I didn't find anything about it.
Among the solutions proposed many years ago, is there any that also solves for version 4 installed on Joomla 5.1.0?
thanks a lot to everyone
I've read some old posts on the subject.

Make tables truly responsive
Hi, Just because I found it pretty cool... I'd like to share a trick to make tables truly responsive : And with Fabrik, you can automatically add the label in your default_repeat_group_row.php (which renders your tables rows) replacing...

Responsive View on the tables
Hello, i already found some threads here how to get the tables responsive, but i don't know how to exactly do it. in this article is suggested to edit the default_repeat_Group_row.php - in my version the name is...

I wanted to know if in the new version there is some new feature that allows the tables to be responsive, because unfortunately I didn't find anything about it.
Among the solutions proposed many years ago, is there any that also solves for version 4 installed on Joomla 5.1.0?
thanks a lot to everyone