Math formula results as database query


New Member

I have to build web application to display results from database depending on math formula results. I can build external database and i want to integrate it with joomla via Fabrik. Is is possible to query that database with variable generated on webpage with Fabrik forms (and data from those forms manipulated by some math expressions)?

All i want to do is:

Forms for user -> math formula -> result as variable for database query -> diplaying proper records from database.

I think about Fabrik because i want to integrate that search results in Joomla site.

Przemek Szatkowski
I think you can do that with a PHP script in the PHP form plugin. You perform your math calculation based on the form data and use that to send a query to the database.
As I don't know what kind of data or display you want after that, I can't really tell you more but with the result of the query you can either filter a list or display only one record.
Thank you for such quick answer. So, if i understand, you suggest to not using Fabrik forms but to write external PHP script to collect data from forms, do in that script math calculation and next query my external database connected to Joomla by Fabrik. And then display search results by Fabrik too. Sorry if it is not so clear but im really new to Fabrik and still i dont know it well.
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