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Method of conditionally hiding element in list view


Active Member
Hi I have a list showing a bunch of elements.
I have a dropdown element called "Attended"
Values =
0 = Not Attended
1= Partially Attended
2 = Attended
In the list view each row contains a display element called "Print Attendance Certificate"
Is there a method of hiding the "Print Attendance Certificate" element in the list view if the Value of "Attended" = 0?
(Much like can be done with form_1.js)
Ok so here's what i did
on the display element "Print Attendance Cert"
I set eval'd = Yes then put in the following php ( i actually had another element recording hours so it was easier to simply say if hours = 0 dont allow printing!)

$user = JFactory::getUser();
$userid = $user->get('id');

$myDb = JFactory::getDbo();
$myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true);

    ->where('user_id = ' . $userid);

$hours = $myDb->loadResult();
if ($hours > '0')
return 'Print';
return '';

Although this works nicely can anyone explain how i would return the rowid of that particular record? I tried
in the evald field just to see what would be outputted but that breaks the page!
I would do it differently - using a calc element rather than a display element and setting the calc element to "Print Attendance Certificate" if value of Attended !== 0.

Interested in people's views of which of the solutions is considered best.