Modify filter-layout in list-view


New Member
Hello there,
according to the wiki there is a way to modify the filters-layout in list-view:
Modifying the Filters template (top)
Advanced Fabrik users can user Joomla's template override functionality to modify how Fabrik lays out the filter area for users.

The template file that is used to render the filter form is located in:

This information seems to be outdated, because I cannot find default_filter.php.

The only thing I find (in com_fabrik/views/list/bootstrap/default.php) is this:
if ($this->showFilters && $this->bootShowFilters) :
    echo $this->layoutFilters();
This looks like all filters are only rendered as one "block"

Is there a method to render each filter separately in order to make a custom list-view with a custom layout for the filters?

Looking forward to your answers,

EDIT: I am using Joomla 3.9.1 with Fabrik 3.9
Yup, filter display is now done via overrideable layout files in component/com_fabrik/layouts/list
I think it's
Hello ! Did you find any solution on that? I also need 2 blocks because ordering is not the same in mobile. I m very confused on that
You can edit your filters (with Bootstrap templates) by creating an override of the bootstrap filter by copying the file:
to (create necessary directories if they do not exist):
components/com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl/{your template}/layouts/list/fabrik-filters-bootstrap.php
And then editing that override. The filters are created starting from line 39 and placed in the $chunkedFilters array.
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