Modify List Footer(Navigation) or ActionButtons


New Member
I have a master/detail setup and working.
On the detail list I would like a simple "Go Back" button to return to the master.
What is the "recommended" method to insert a link type button at either the top (near Add button) or as part of the Navigation at the bottom ?

I usually just add the text 'go back' with a link to the master list into the outro section and assign the class btn.
I don't believe there is any recommended method.....
If you don't want it in the list's intro/outro you can create a custom template and modify default_buttons.php (top) or default.php (navigation part).
I thought that a custom template was probably required, but seemed a little "over kill" for one button. I'll give the into/outro option a go, and use a template if it doesn't satisfy.

Thanks muchly for both replies.
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