Module filter


New Member
Hi guys,

I want to use custom link of element for filtering another list, I could set it work for list view but It does not work for the module of same list. on the other hand I don't know what URL I should use for addressing modules in the custom link. I would appreciate it if you give me a quick solution.
In Joomla you can't "call" a module, you must call any menu item the module is assigned to.
But list URL filtering is working.
So in your custom link instead of something like ...option=com_fabrik&view=list&listid=3&Itemid=114&your-element=xy
do e.g.
with ABC is a menu item id which displays the list module
Thanks man, but since I am a little begineer I could not get it. but let me put my "custom link" of element "List" here:


which "mylist" is my menu and "af_gifts___Lists_id" is my element which I'd like to filter it with clicking on "af_lists___Lists_name" from the another list which is module in the same page. above link work perfect but not for module
so can you please help based on these details. when I have more than one fabrik module in one menu is it going to work?
I get information about itemid and turned off my SEO to have real URL, but still I could not set my filtering URL. The filtering does not work with above explanation ..... :((( would you please help? it is so vital for me to use module in my project ... pleaseee
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