MouseOut Missing in Element JS Event List


New Member
I'm at Fabrik v 3.2 Joomla 3.3.6 and am trying to locate the mouseOut event for element JS. Am I missing a step in enabling something?

BTW Thanks for a great product!!

Nope, you aren't missing anything. We've just never had anyone need it before, and we didn't list every single possible event in there, as its designed to be simple, for folk that don't speak JavaScript. Typically if there's event handling you need to do which isn't part of the built ins, you'd implement it yourself in a form JS file.

-- hugh
Thanks, I'll look at the form method. I found the element JS very clean and handy. I'm using it to change a privacy field (SSN) from type=password to type =text on mouseover and was looking to change it back on mouseout.
You're welcome. We don't usually add features on-demand in Community support, but it was only a one liner, so I figured I'd be nice. :)

-- hugh
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