multiple forms per page


Active Member
I setup a site where I want the same form displayed multiple times on the same page. Unfortunately this is not working neither one will submit. Help.
How did you setup?
"same form": different records or the same record multiple times?
What do you want to achieve?
Site has 3 squeeze pages. I'd like to display the same contact form on the page twice. Maximum conversions.
I don't think that's going to work. We use a combination of form_id and row_id for creating the "unique" form name / DOM id, like form_3_123 (form ID 3, row 123). Or just form_id when adding a new form (like form_3), not editing an existing row.

So you can have two copies of the same form if they are displaying / editing different rows, but you can't have two copies of either the same form editing / displaying the same row, or same empty (new) form, because the DOM names / ids will clash.

You might be able to work round it by using some other extension which lets you embed content in iframes (I think Modules Anywhere (?) may allow that), but I haven't tried it.

-- hugh
What you can do:
Copy your list (will create new group, form, linked elements), use the new form as 2nd one.
Copying the list will create a new list/form/group/(linked) elements, but all on the same underlying DB table. (Think of the list as a table view).
It's straight forward if there's only one non-repeat-group (I'm never sure what is happening if there are repeat groups or "joined" groups).
We should make copies of the join groups as well.

But yes, that should be a potential solution for having multiple copies of the same form, or form/rowid, on the same page. Although I have a feeling we may still end up with ID / name clashes at the element level, as they use tablename___elementname. But you may get away with that, depending what element types are in use, and how selectively we wrote the JS for those elements (i.e. if we just do, or when looking for DOM elements).

And just to confirm what Troester said ... the copy will use the same underlying table. So it doesn't matter which copy of the list/form you use, all the data is written to and read from the same table in MySQL.

-- hugh

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