• Joomla 5.1

    For running J!5.1 you must install Fabrik 4.1
    See also Announcements

  • Subscription and download (Fabrik 4.1 for J!4.2+ and J!5.1) are working now

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    Please post subscription questions and issues here

    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

Page Class in list joomla menus doesn t work

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I have styled every joomla menu to give individual style to contents for h1 tags, but fabrik menus page class deosn t seem to work. Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong. I want to load in menu title an image. For each menu, different images. I made it for every content menu. But not form fabrik menus.

Thanks for your time.
With any CSS issues, we need to see your page, as every J! template has it's own issues, and we need to look in Firebug to see what's going on.

-- hugh
OK, I can get in to the list and form now, but I'm a little unclear on what you are trying to achieve.

Can you find me on Skype ('cheesegrits') so you can walk me through what you are trying to do.

-- hugh
Generally what I m trying to do is change the way h1 is shown

If you check news page, I made it. H1 is like I want it. Normally its something you forgot to include in your code
cheesegrits goodmorning. Its been days I havent recieved an answer. I guess you don thave much time, since the forum grows everyday. But this is the reason I choosed a plan, and I feel a little bit confused here. I pm you for skype. I haven t seen you online either.
I added him again but the skype name sais cheesegrits1. I believe its him. But He hasn t accepted my request.
Maybe you could help?
Are you djrmenace?

I'm not cheesegrits1, just cheesegrits.

If you give me your Skype name, I'll send you a contact request.

-- hugh
I've been waiting for a contact request form you on Skype. I finally saw one this morning, and we are now talking on Skype.

-- hugh

Hugh, helped me out, I believe the paid subscription worth more that the money we pay. I don t think there is another extension with that kind of support.
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