PDF EMail Plugin


We are using the PDF EMail Plugin to send a PDF via email and that works! We want to save that PDF file or copy it to another folder for later reference. Is this possible? Can you point us in the right direction?


Really appreciate the support here!
I don't think there's a way to do it as-is. I think I'd have to add that as a feature.

So would you want to just save it in some predefined folder location, or would you want to also add some reference to it, for example as a path in an upload element on the (same) form?

-- hugh
Hi Hugh!

Both would be amazing. Ideally we would want to set the filename and location. It would be nice to have this file name be the one sent in the attachment.

Thanks again!

Also, the new site is looking great - congrats to all that are making it happen!
OK - it's probably an hour or so's work.

Part of the site redesign is adding a way to handle doing custom work more easily. I'm working on that at that moment. Hopefully by next week we'll have a way to easily quote you for custom work, and to handle the payments.

-- hugh
Thanks Hugh. Yes, I'm keen. There was a thread in another forum with a user who had issues with a "savetoPDF" plugin, which turned out to be homebrewed. It looked similar to what I'm looking for. I have a completed project that amongst other things allows a registered user to generate a report. At any stage the user can retrieve a styled PDF of the report via their browser, which all works great. At the time of saving the form data, I need a copy of that PDF sent to a folder, and available as a public URL (with a unique name) for download. Obviously, if the form data is edited, a new PDF needs to be generated. If the form data is deleted, the PDF should probably be deleted as well. Hope this makes sense. DM or email is fine for a quote. Happy for plugin to be used by other members. :)
OK, I'll take a look. Shouldn't be too hard.

Best option for the "delete if form deleted" is probably the option I mentioned before, of allowing the pdf form plugin to specify an upload element on the form to hold the path to the saved pdf. That buys us a cheap way of giving a download link, and optional automatical deletion (just set that option in the upload element). I could probably get it to use the naming convention from the upload element as well.

I'll get back to you with an estimate.
Thank Hugh. I can see where you're going with the upload element. In terms of my own specific needs, the creator of the PDF (output) needs some way of specifying a URL path to the PDF, so it can be referenced externally. So the naming convention of the upload element should work in the URL construct. Awesome.

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