PDF "file does not begin with" error

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Has anyone seen an error when creating a PDF where it tries to open the PDF, but then gives a "File does not begin with..." error? It appears to be an error in the writing of the PDF?

Might be a general joomla error, but just thought I would see if anyone has run into this.
OK - excuse my ignorance, but I am new to Joomla 2.5 and the newer version of Fabrik. I installed Phoca PDF, and now I am just getting a blank page on the PDF button. Do I need the Phoca PDF, or is there a built in joomla default component?

Thanks so much to anyone. I am desperate to get this PDF function to work. My main reason for going through the migration.
OK - I have isolated this to a fabrik issue. The PDF maker works on other articles in the joomla install.

I currently have this in a non-main directory because it is still a development website. here is the latest error:

The website encountered an error while retrieving http://www.pluribis.com/jupgrade/index.php/fieldreports/details/26/pdf?format=pdf&rowid=36. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

As always, any thoughts from anyone are greatly appreciated.
Still desperate for any help. I need to be able to output some simple PDFs.

Here is my latest. If I do a "Save As" option on the functioning article PDF, it downloads it as a *.pdf file. When I do the same thing on the Fabrik PDF icon, it tries to download a .html page??

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