PDF Output - 500 Layout default not found


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I have installed Fabrikar on Joomla in IIS8 W2012r2 PHP 7.3 and MySQL 8.

Each time I try to edit au form, I have this issue :
"500 Mise en page default introuvable"

It worked once, waiting around 2 minutes, but just for forms. But I can't reproduce it.
Lists PDF doesn't work at all.

I tryed debug on Joomla, then on Fabrikar and then on Fabrikar PDF, to install Fabrikar Library, and to reinstall manually DOMPDF and Mpdf form GitHub.

You can find all the messages I have when I activate Joomla Debug :
Call stack
# Function Location
1 () JROOT\libraries\src\MVC\View\HtmlView.php:624
2 Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate() JROOT\components\com_fabrik\views\form\view.base.php:303
3 FabrikViewFormBase->output() JROOT\components\com_fabrik\views\form\view.pdf.php:50
4 FabrikViewForm->display() JROOT\administrator\components\com_fabrik\controllers\details.pdf.php:59
5 FabrikAdminControllerDetails->view() JROOT\libraries\src\MVC\Controller\BaseController.php:710
6 Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() JROOT\administrator\components\com_fabrik\fabrik.php:87
7 require_once() JROOT\libraries\src\Component\ComponentHelper.php:402
8 Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() JROOT\libraries\src\Component\ComponentHelper.php:377
9 Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\AdministratorApplication.php:101
10 Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication->dispatch() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\AdministratorApplication.php:159
11 Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication->doExecute() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\CMSApplication.php:196
12 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() JROOT\administrator\index.php:51

It seams that Joomla or Fabrikar can't find the templates.

Do you have some solutions for that? I'am really lost with it. I search an issue since one month.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Not sure if PHP7.3 etc. may create issues.

Did you do a complete GitHub update?
"Lists PDF doesn't work at all." That means what (error, blank page...)?

What are you global PDF settings in Fabrik Options (Lists and Forms)? What are your settings in your list and your form?
What happens if you set "Debug PDF" =yes in Fabrik options "Debugging"?
PNot sure if PHP7.3 etc. may create issues.

Did you do a complete GitHub update?
"Lists PDF doesn't work at all." That means what (error, blank page...)?

Yes, but without Git. I download manually the following libraries from GitHub :
- fabric-master
- mpdf-master

What are you global PDF settings in Fabrik

I tryed both with default layout and then with my own layouts that are simple copy’s from components/com_fabrik/views/(details, lists dans forms)/tmpl/bootstrap but I didn’t done any change inside. Must I put a default.php or default.pdf.php file inside or do any changing (/forums/index.php?wiki/form-and-details-templates/)

Options (Lists and Forms)? What are your settings in your list and your form?

I tryed both with default layout and then with my own layouts

What happens if you set "Debug PDF" =yes in Fabrik options "Debugging"?

IT don’t change anything. The only things I get were the list I joined into my previous message when I activate Joomla Debug.
I updated all Fabrik-master inwich there is MPDF and DOMPDF (I tryed to do it from mpdf-master and DOMPDF but it doesn't change anything).

Maybe we must to copy some default.pdf.php templates or something in my gantry5 template.

I salute the quality of your work for fabrik, but I admit that the explanations of the manual on the operation of PDF in Fabrik are very confusing.

Do you have some other explanation of it works with Fabrik 3.9 and Joomla 3.9 ?

Must we install DOMPDF and Mpdf on Joomla Root?
Must we copy templates anywhere in our own templates in ROOT/templates ?

Thank you again
The Fabrik GitHub includes all necessary files and usually the PDF creation is running without errors and with the standard Fabrik form and list layouts.

But depending on your Joomla template and because not all CSS is completely supported by the PDF libs (e.g float) you must create custom list and/or details templates with adapted CSS to get a nice output.
With Fabrik PDF debug enabled you should get a browser output (not running the PDF libs at all).

Not sure what is going on on your site.

Can you try with a list/form with all default (but PDF button enabled) and the Joomla standard Protostar template?

you must not have any other PDF component installed

I can't find the string "Mise en page default introuvable" in my Joomla/Fabrik files.
Where is it coming from?
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