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Performance issues


I am experiencing serious performance issues with a relatively simple and small database. I have a contact table of roughly 400,000 rows and an incident table of about 500,000 rows. I have created a database join element for contact_id in the incident table to allow me to see the related incidents when a search a contact through the related data feature.

The entry point is a search form of four fields that links to the contacts list. The searching of the contacts is pretty fast. When I click on the related data column on the contact list which shows the total number of related incidents it takes 15 seconds to list all the incidents. From the incidents list it takes me 25 seconds the get the details view.

I initially had the incident table set up with joins to two other tables. I have removed those two joins and seen no improvement in times.

Currently there are no joins on the contacts list only the related data function. There is only one databasejoin field in the incident table. I can?t see why it takes so long for the whole thing to render. I don?t know if this makes a difference but the tables were created outside Joomla/Fabrik. I added a second connection and used that to create the lists.

I am running the latest joomla version with php 5.6.25 on REHL 7. The whole thing is hosted on and AWS EC2 instance T2.small. Looking at htop it seems most of the time is taken up by the webserver process rather than the mysql process.

Unfortunately the data is proprietary and the server is behind a firewall so I cannot give you access to it but if it helps I can truncate the tables and copy the whole thing over to a server that you can access and I am also happy to provide any settings screenshots.
Sounds like something isn't configured right. But I can't do anything without a) seeing the site and b) you having a paid subscription.

Although the first thing you should check is make sure an index got created for your contact_id field. Have a look in phpMyAdmin (or whatever your database client of choice is).

-- hugh