PHP List events [custom plugin]


New Member

In order to assist my customization in a site I build this list plugin.

The idea is to allow to execute php code on almost any callback. You can add, for e.g., code to be executed on the onMakeFilters callback.

The $model parameter that the callback uses is passed to the evaluated code as a reference named $data.

There is an issue when the code contains multiple lines, where fabrik "eats" the carriage return chars, so assistance is welcome.



    3.7 KB · Views: 237
So is this one you'd like to have added to github?

BTW, it's actually J! which messes with carriage returns in params, not us. Although with the change in param handling in J! for 2.5, I'm thinking that effect may disappear at some point.

-- hugh
I expect.

And yes, it may be useful to someone. Now i'm understanding better the logic behind fabrik and J! if I can give a contribution, I'll do.

It does look useful.

OK, if you'd like it to be a part of github, can you fork your own copy of the main Fabrik project at github, add your plugin to your fork, and send a pull request to add the plugin?

You'll need to do that, so you can continue to maintain the code by sending us pull requests. That way, it minimizes the workload on us. We can approve a pull request with one click, rather than having to take your ZIP files and merge changes by hand.

That's the only way we can handle adding contributed plugins, as we simply don't have the time to maintain them any other way.

-- hugh
If you have issues with github and git in general, find my on Skype ('cheesegrits') and I'll attempt to help.

Getting it all set up can be a bit of an ordeal, if you've never used git before. But once set up, it's easy to use.

Do you use a development environment like Eclipse or NetBeans?

-- hugh
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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