Please help me to write a query to the database


New Member
Please help me to write a query to the database where we have data element (eg. 1539-12-23) and wants to compare it with today's date (2014-12-23). Please help in the pre-filter in fabrikar.

fabrik-->list-->data-->prefiltrer then add a prefilter select your field , then the condition ( "EQUAL" or better "GREATER THAN" or "LESS THAN") and in the value field : NOW() . Set the type to QUERY. The field you select to compare against "now" has to be of type DATE
Thank you for your reply but it does not work if you compare the date (day and month only). How to view the event from 1834.12.19 where today is 2014.12.19
Sorry: I did not see the "old year" :)
I guess (but not sure) that Mysql won't be able to deal with dates prior to 1970 as well as unix/linux itself.
Maybe you could describe a little more what you're trying to achieve ?

I would probably use 3 separate elements (day, month and year) to store event's dates. Then a calc element could be use to display a combined date. Filters could applied to the year/month values.
wants to make a timeline of historical events, which will now display the type of anniversary date.
I experimented with The plugin birthday displays the date of the birthday well today (link) but how to get it to display birthday tomorrow or yesterday.


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Mysql is able to deal with old dates, at least if the field is DATE, like behind of birthday element, not DATETIME.