Possible to update placeholders in article on the fly?


Hey :)
Recharged, and moving forward again...

If I put element placeholders into the group intro/outro textareas, is it possible/simple to set them to update on the fly (like a calc element using Ajax calculation/observe fields)?

Mainly because I can style the text up how I want, but it would be good if the data keeps up with the user's changes.

You'd have to do that with a little custom JS on the elements you want to be shown in the intro/outro. And provide the markup in the intro/outro so you can identify the DOM element you want to change. Like a div or a span with a unique ID.

-- hugh
Ah, well... my allergy to JS negates that then... I'll look at tarting up the css instead, which doesn't bring me out in the same cold sweat as JS.
It's not that hard, and it's good for the soul. Makes you appreciate the little things in life more. Like not having to write Javascript.

So if you added your element placeholders wtapped in some structure, like ...

<span id="some_unique_id">{yourtable___yourelement}</span>

... then in the 'onChange' event for that element, something like ...


-- hugh
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