Pre-Filtered Syntax Question?


Multimedia Designer
If I created a Fabrik List module and position it so when I visit my profile page it displays my own record entries. Using the following Pre-filtered conditions:

and elements = User(raw) Condition = Equals Value = {$my->id} Type = Text Access = Registered

When I go to visit a friends profile page, I do not see his/her own records? How do I go about in achieving this?

Maybe someone can assist me?

Try type = Query, that did the trick at my list when I tried to achieve something similar.
Try type = Query, that did the trick at my list when I tried to achieve something similar.
Hi Djie

Thank you for your response, but I just found out by Hugh as he stated quote: "Re the "seeing other peoples profiles", as I explained before, the regular Fabrik module simply has no concept of JomSocial, and no idea of who's profile page they are on. The only user the standard Fabrik list/form modules understand about is "logged in user"., unquote.

So until he can come up with a fix or solution it is evident at present what I want to achieve cannot be done at present.

Victoria, Dije,

Any news about a jomsocial plugin? We are a nonforprofit creating a an educational social network with fabrik but need a solution to integrate jomsocial with fabrik so as Victoria described "When I go to visit a friends profile page, I do not see his/her own records? I have the same question "How do I go about in achieving this?"

I understand there use to be a plugin but I think that is not compatible any more, any updates?
You can set a prefilter to Type=eval and insert any php code returning e.g. a string with ids (setting WHERE id IN...)
Prefilter php could examine the URL, fetch Joomla userid depending on URL information and then SELECT the records belonging to the user.
This is about the prefilter syntax.

But I don't know how to insert such a prefiltered list into jomsocial (never used this) - does jomsocial support standard Joomla plugin insertion? (so you could do {fabrik view=list id=x} with x=your prefiltered list id)
I resurrected the JomSocial plugin from 3.0 a month or three ago and updated it for 3.1 (and now 3.2), in response to this thread, although unfortunately I think it wasn't in time to meet the OP's deadline. I did my best. :(

Anyway, it's in github, in plugins/community/fabrik, and can be "discovered" and installed in J! through a normal github update. It will then be available for use as in the JomSocial profile tabs (or whatever they are called).

-- hugh