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prefilter again!

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What user do I need to be logged in as on the front end? Looks like the only login I have is an admin, who I don't think is in the "Front End" access level, which is what those pre-filters are set to.

-- hugh
It looks like some of us tried to work with a list 19 - now there are no prefilters (can see all records) at front end and me as super user lost access to this list from back-end. Any forecasts when will you finish? Users ask me all time about this service and I cannot answer
I guess this was Hugh - Ill ask him where he is with this when he gets up

Sorry, new cable Internet went out at the new house for 18 hours, just got back online.

Am in the middle of working on it. It's to do with checkbox data being stored as JSON.

-- hugh
I'm still trying to work on this, but for some reason the route from me to your server has become painfully slow, it's taking forever to load each page.

I think I have a solution, it's just taking a while to set it up.

-- hugh
The route to Russia, or at least wherever you are hosted, seems to be pretty much unusably slow. It just took 4 minutes to open phpMyAdmin, and 2 minutes to render a J! backend page. I've checked a few other .ru sites, and am having similar issues.

I'll keep trying.

-- hugh
OK, I fixed that fblike problem, the fatal error about 'unexpected static'.

The issue there is your PHP version. Both J! and Fabrik have a recommended minimum PHP version of 5.3, and you are running 5.2. And 5.2 doesn't support the use of the PHP 'static' construct in the same way that 5.3 or greater does.

We do our best to ensure that our core code will still run on 5.2 for now, but for optional plugins, we'll only "fix" them if it's a simple workaround, which in this case it was.

But I strongly recommend that you update your PHP to 5.3, as in J! 3.x and Fabrik 3.1, we'll have a minimum requirement (not just recommended) of at least PHP 5.3, and will no longer support 5.2.x at all. Also bear in mind that we don't do any development or testing against 5.2, we currently do everything on 5.3.x, so we won't notice if something breaks in 5.2 until someone else comes across a problem.

-- hugh
cheesegrits I asked hosting provider and they upgraded to 5.3.3
tomorrow I'll check and let you know results
you made few mistakes: you added 4-th prefilter, which is the same as second one; then you change its Apply to Root, which cutted information from back-end view; then you placed ["1"] in wrong place (instead of second prefilter you put it in first). hmmm... I corrected, and continue to check
then record #21 satisfies the conditions of all pre-filters, and users should see it here http://www.dobrochyn.org/index.php/features/philanthropy-marketplace?resetfilters=0
but doesn't. Why?
the same question for record #20.
This service is one of the key at the web-site, and I had to withdrawn from using, the still has unsolved problem with it! I'm not happy((
some data of investigation - hope it helps you.
records 20, 21, 27, 28 has same data for prefilters of list 19 and users should see them here http://www.dobrochyn.org/index.php/features/philanthropy-marketplace
And now there are interesting things. If I put just 1 in Value of second prefilter (?????? ??????), users can see 3 (20, 21,28) from 4 mentioned records. If I put there ["1"] (as I saw after cheesegrits) users can see at front-end the only record (#27). So it looks like there are different records for the same value 1 for element 288 in database after cheesegrits's activities.
Please, check it and correct
Sorry, some things aren't quick fixes. I'm still trying to work out why some of the rows in your table have 1, and some have ["1"], for the same element. I don't seem to be able to get my test server to save anything but ["1"], so it's possible this may be 'legacy' data prior to a fix for this issue.

For now I'm just going to have to set up a pair of grouped filters, so it does a (whatever = '1' OR whatever = '["1"]'), or modify your table by hand and change all the 1's to ["1"].

I'm at the vet with my dogs atm, I'll take care of this as soon as I get home.

-- hugh
cheesegrits every next record put 1 in this element, so I assumed that we have a problem just with one record (#27), which has ["1"] and should be corrected. So, I simply change twice "trigger" (to otherwise Value, and back) and it save 1, and It looks like there is no more problem with it.
At the same time I found another problem(
Check element 288 (form 18 ) It is dropdown and has to Values (0,1), where 1 is a default. Regular users cannot edit or even view it (this element for administrator's function). So, in this case after saving form, it should be 1 with Label "???????????". BUT after saving form a list's prefilter for the element react so, as there is not 1 as Value - and users cannot see new record (#30) in a list here http://www.dobrochyn.org/index.php/features/philanthropy-marketplace. At the backend I see label "????? ? ??????????" for this element, which is a label for 0 Value. So, smth doesn't work correctly within your coding, please, correct it ASAP.
check for new pass in your private message here
one more example. I made new list #31, which is one more copy of list 19. It should show the rest part of records. For example, list 19 show records with dates "Greater Than or Equals" to the current AND with Value 1 in element 288. So list 31 should show records with dates "Less" to the current OR with Value 0 in element 288. So record 33 has Value 0 and should be shown in list 31 here http://www.dobrochyn.org/index.php/old-requests-for-help, but it is not. Despite of previous example, tricks-and-tips with 0 and ["0'] changes nothing.

Rob, cheesegrits, I've already waist second week within threads with your bugs. I understand that you are very busy, but it shouldn't be my problem at least with my subscription period here. I think it'll be honest to continue for 2 weeks.
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