Print button in detail view does nothing

How much memory is you system showing? An .htaccess modification doesn't always increase the memory, it depends on the server setup.

How recent is your Git level?
You can tell if your system is allowing you to override the memory_limit in an htaccess by looking in the PHP info page on the J! backend, and just search for memory_limit on the page. That'll show you the default (as per your main php.ini), and the current setting, which includes any site specific overrides.

I would suggest 128M as s starting point.

The print icon works fine for me, so you'd need to point me at your page so i can see if there is anything specific to your site which is causing problems.

-- hugh
My memory_limit is set to 128M. The application is behind a password. I can create a front and and/or admin account for you.
If J! is showing the correct limit, and PDF generation is still blowing up, then the only option is to increase the memory limit. Generating PDF's is memory intensive.

Hence my suggestion of 128M as a starting point. Now start bumping it up by something like 16M at a time till the PDF works. Or at least stops tossing memory errors. There may be some other issue with it, as our PDF generation is still in it's infancy, and there are some known issues with the DOMPDF library we use.

-- hugh
you have some js calling:

hideform3groupsindetailview ()
but I dont see any script on that page which contains that function.
This causes a Javascript error which is stopping the rest of the page's Javascript from running and thus disabling the print button

For the PDF code, as hugh said you will need to keep bumping up the PHP memory limit until it works
As to the URL: why does the time stamp appear in the URL?
You have those menu items as sub items of 'Intern Evals' which has its menu alias property set to '2013-01-03-22-51-54' - not sure that you meant that?
The JS error must be a hold over from trying to hide two of the groups in detail view. I just need to remember where I tried to set that up.
I removed the code below from the the following element: internevaluationv1___midtermorfinal; however, I am still unable to print.

hideform3groupsindetailview ()

I tried debugging with both Joomla and Fabrik, but I could not find where to look for any other conflicts with the print call.

When I mouse over the print icon, the following link appears at the bottom of the browser:

Any other ideas?
can you set my user to be a super admin so I can check the page without the compressed version of the js files

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