Print list or PDF


Joomla 4,2,9 clean install. Fabrick 4 gamma 2, php 8.1.6.
Is there any mechanism to print a list?
I have enabled the print button but nothing shows.
I can create a PDF of the list but I cant do anything with the pdf page,no print,no download, No navigation whatsoever.
I have read that pdf debug should be set to no for pdf to work, if I set it to no (global/Debugging) using DOMPDF then the pdf page just returns an error, set it to yes and the PDF produces a page from my list.
I would be satisfied with the PDF if I could download it,is there a way?
Debug PDF is for (and only for) debugging (and it's set to no per default).

If you have the debug enabled (i.e. the generated HTML is going to screen instead to the PDF generation lib): Do you see any error/warning displayed?

domPDF is working with Gamma2 on my site.
Sorry for the delay I didn't get a notification that you had replied.
When I set pdf debug to no I get the error Error parsing css file: preg_match_all() failed.
I have now changed the pdf template from bootstrap to div and it works as expected. A bug somewhere I guess.
Is this the original bootstrap template, no layout overrides or custom css or so?
Original Cassiopeia J! template?
Can you enable J! System debug and try to get the error again (with an error stack)?
Yes this is original bootstrap and vanilla Cassiopeia template, user.css all rules commented out for testing.
Stack trace
1 () JROOT/libraries/fabrik/vendor/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Css/Stylesheet.php:1220
2 Dompdf\Css\Stylesheet->_parse_css() JROOT/libraries/fabrik/vendor/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Css/Stylesheet.php:367
3 Dompdf\Css\Stylesheet->load_css_file() JROOT/libraries/fabrik/vendor/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Dompdf.php:581
4 Dompdf\Dompdf->processHtml() JROOT/libraries/fabrik/vendor/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Dompdf.php:693
5 Dompdf\Dompdf->render() JROOT/libraries/fabrik/fabrik/fabrik/Document/PdfDocument.php:288
6 Fabrik\Document\PdfDocument->render() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1017
7 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:722
8 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:299
9 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() JROOT/includes/app.php:61
10 require_once() JROOT/index.php:32
Is this with all of your lists or only one/some?
List displayed in frontend and/or backend?
In all instances where the pdf template is bootstrap I get the errors,when template is div they function correctly. ps updated to gamma 3 and no difference.
As I said I can't replicate.

I found an issue - but only in the backend and only with error reporting on: PDF file is created but not valid, because it includes the error message (You can see it if you open it with an editor like notepad++).

What is your error reporting level set to?
Do you have a file custom_css.php (or custom.css) in your bootstrap folder?
What happens if you rename template_css.php to something else?
Thanks for your reply. I can not find either of these file, I am looking in /media/com_fabrik/css/ for custom_css.php? Where would I find Fabriks bootstrap folder?
Error reporting was maximum when on. Thanks.
Edit I have found template_css.php in list/template/bootstrap, renamed it and it makes no difference.
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