Problem when modify Form in Joomla Backend


New Member
I obtain the error message (see picture) when I try to modify a Form in the Joomla backend. The problem appear only on the Form created in the last two days. If I try to modify earlier form no error message is displayed.
In the Joomla frontend I noticed that list and form work normal.

This is my environment:
joomla version: 2.5.3
Fabrik version: 3.0.4 - 108
PHP: 5.2.9
MySQL: 5.0.83



  • Capture1.JPG
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same here

amend table: Table 'toeta0001.Array' doesn't exist SQL=ALTER  TABLE Array ADD COLUMN `valimang` int(6) null AFTER Array, ADD COLUMN  `kasutaja` int(11) null AFTER Array, ADD COLUMN `alex` TEXT null AFTER  Array, ADD COLUMN `ando` TEXT null AFTER Array, ADD COLUMN `andrus` TEXT  null AFTER Array, ADD COLUMN `alex2` INT(6) null AFTER Array, ADD  COLUMN `ando2` INT(6) null AFTER Array, ADD COLUMN `andrus2` INT(6) null  AFTER Array
Same here, but form saves all options. Maybe it is related to Lists problem: everytime i open list options under Data Fabrik changes Primary key option to some database field, every time i change it back to '-'
Same problem. My form is active, and members are able to create and add data, that is saved in the database table, so I dare not tweak anything at the moment, for fear of breaking the whole system! However, I would like to understand what is going on so that I can fix this soon