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Problem with autofill and wysiwyg editor


Well-Known Member

I need to autofill a textarea element that use the wysiwyg editor (TinyMCE editor) available in Joomla 3.2.2. Unfortunately, it doesn't work, the texarea is not filled untill the visual editor option is turned off. But i need to display the info using the visual editor, the users should be able to edit the table displayed in textarea.

I use the Github version, updated today + Joomla 3.2.2, PHP 5.4.7

Thank you

I made a test form here and i've added the login data into "My sites" section. Please take a look, you can see that the autofill plugin will not work if there is a WYSIWYG editor activated for the textarea element.

In Developer tools console in Chrome i see this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'getInstanceById'

Thank you
the problem with the visual editor appear also for repeat groups:

Fabrik form::addElements: Cannot add element "contracte_campuri_638_repeat___tabel_extraoptiune[0]" because it does not exist in HTML.  fabrik-min.js:1
Fabrik form::addElements: Cannot add element "contracte_campuri_638_repeat___tabel_extraoptiune[1]" because it does not exist in HTML.  fabrik-min.js:1
Fabrik form::addElements: Cannot add element "contracte_campuri_638_repeat___tabel_extraoptiune[2]" because it does not exist in HTML.  fabrik-min.js:1

i've tried four different visual editors, same problem..
After 8 days and 47 views, still no answer... What should i understand, that i'm the only one who have this problem? I have tested on two different websites with a lot of browsers and WYSIWYG editors.
Rob, Hugh, can you please take a look? I'm stuck here and i really need to make it work, that because the autofill should complete the values in a textarea form (the autofill data include html tags), so i need the visual editor to be activated for this element.