Problem with fabrik list module


Well-Known Member

I want to select more fields to be displayed in the list module, but after i select the first option and press +, i cannot select the second option and the first option selected is no longer..well...selected :)

Same problem for "Ordering".

Also, i need to display only the filters in module, but even if the value for "Number of records to show" is set to 0, i will see the records in module.

See attached images as an example:


Thank you
the dropdown select issue should now be fixed

Can I ask why would you want to show no records in a list?
Hello Rob,

Not in list, in a module. I want to create a real estate website and i need a module that will display a search/filter form. If there is another option to do this, please tell me how can i do it
you would use a form then, and a redirect plugin to redirect to the list view. Ensure the form element names are the same as those you have in the list, and ensure that the redirect plugin has 'use as search data' on.
sorry, but i don't understand why to use a form. I don't want users to be able to submit info using the Form module (this should be available only for specific group of users), i just want to let all users to search the existing information like number of rooms, number of baths, the type of house etc.
Perhaps like this (like Rob explain and like I anderstand his reply) :
I'm trying to get this working but I don't have any chance to make the form filtering a list like the tut :( - sometimes the search button don't fire and if it does I get a " Sql-O " alerte error report :(
I'm looking on this thread because I'm trying to do like you and I could not so I don't add a thread but look at this same goal ...
You use a form to do a "search form", not to input data into a list.
In fact with a search form, you - usually - don't store data in a table. You use the data entered into the form to filter any list specified as "jump url" in the redirect plugin associated with this form. Also don't forget to set "Use as search data" on "yes" in the plugin.

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