Problem with file upload (ajax) and repeat group



I'm using Fabrik 3.4.2 with Joomla 3.4.8 and i need a file upload element that should allow users to upload multiple files at once. The group that include this element is set to repeat.

I activated the Ajax upload option in the element and i can upload all 4 files and submit the form. But when i edit the row i can see only one file (from those 4) uploaded. Even more, when i repeat the group, the file upload element will "copy" the info from previous group, instead of a "new" element.

The problem appear only when the file upload element is in a repeat group, work fine for other situations.

You can test it here using the login data from My sites.

Thank you

We're at the point with Fabrik where the remaining "known issues" are the really tough ones, and they'll get solved we can get funded to work on them.

-- hugh
The issue of repeat (AJAX) uploads in a repeat group is one I chip away at when I get time, but no ETA.

-- hugh

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