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    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

Problem with repeating groups dbjoin element After 3.6 Update

We have a form with a repeating group consisting out of one dbjoin and some other elements.
First group no issues. However if you want to add a repeated group second row you can select anything the dbjoin is blocked not clickable. This just happend after the update it worked before it.

I need to add that the front end select works however then even more strange things happen if you select from front end select.
Beside that it applies the css code (This was already a problem before the update )of the list where you select from it creates another dbjoin element. See picture below


Any idea why the above is happening after the update?
It seems to be because J! have changed the way the 'chosen' jQuery plugin works, it no longer adds the 'chzn-done' class to a SELECT after the 'chosen' enhanced features are added, which is breaking how we detect whether we need to re-initialize an enhanced select after cloning it.

I'm working on a fix.

-- hugh
OK, fixed.

Easiest fix is probably to grab the installer ...


... and just run a J! install on it again. I haven't bumped the version number, so the updater won't see it as being new. I'll wait a few days and see if any other J! 3.7 issues bite us, that didn't show up in testing, before putting out a point release.

Or you can grab the files referenced in these two commits:


... and upload them to your site.

-- hugh