problem with "rows per page"

when i set the "Rows Per Page" option in the "Navagation" section of "Edit List" it only effects the backend. the front end stays at 10 rows per page. i have 25 rows and the number will not change. because of this i want to list all of the rows all of the time.

it there a way to do this ?

This (below) is a fix for me.

I noticed this weeks ago - and just figured it was something that would soon be fixed. But it hasn't been. I think it has to do with a cookie that must get created when a user has changed the Display# value. The rows-per-page value is set by the cookie even if the default has been changed on the backend. There needs to be some sort of flag created to tell the system to delete/change the cookie value whenever the List configuration has been changed. That's my guess of the reason for the problem anyhow.
Are you displaying via a menu on the front end?

Have you changed the rows in the menu options? I believe this overrides the list settings which by default is 10.
You are welcome.

It's a shame the 'options' screen can't be open at the same time as the required settings as I think options can be easily missed.

Maybe we could add some text in required settings simply saying 'Please see additional option below', or something like that?
It would be nice to have a check box or something in the menu link setting that would be "use list settings". It seems that once you change the menu link setting then you list never respects the actually list setting. I find myself always having to "change" it twice because I can't remember what setting I am using.
Yes I see what you mean, the rule of thumb though is that the menu always take priority.

This allows you to display the list multiple ways taking into account the other options 'show in list', 'prefilters' and also the template.

I like your suggestion though, it would clarify to the user which settings will be used with the option to override them.
I'm not sure adding a 'use list settings' checkbox is something we'd want to do, as I'm not sure it would help.

We'd just end up getting more confused folk wondering why, depending on whether they selected it or not, why changing their menu /and/or list settings did or didn't work. It just punts the problem up a level, if you you see what I mean. If you can't remember what you set in the menu options for (say) rows per page, you probably won't remember if you set 'use list settings' or not.

Menu settings are just something you have to remember when dealing with fabrik menu links.

@Baur - yes, we have a cookie for rows per page, controlled by the dropdown of display# choices. So once you have viewed a list and that cookie is set, changing the list or menu option won't have any apparent effect, until the cookie times out or is cleared.

-- hugh
Yep see what you mean, but I think maybe it isn't clear that the menu options will override anything else.

Maybe we could just add a 'see options below' on the main screen, (to point out the additional options), and a 'These options take priority \ precedence ' or something similiar in the options screen.

At least then it would be clear that there are options you can configure and that these options will in fact override any other settings.
Yup, that would be fine, if I can work out how to add notes in the Required Settings section. Can you think of any other examples (in Fabrik or any other component) where this is done, so I can crib the code / XML?

-- hugh
@Baur - yes, we have a cookie for rows per page, controlled by the dropdown of display# choices. So once you have viewed a list and that cookie is set, changing the list or menu option won't have any apparent effect, until the cookie times out or is cleared.

-- hugh

How long does it take this cookie to time out?