Problem with Time plugin


Active Member
Am using time plugin and found the following problems.......

1) When editing in form, and I select the hour or minute dropdown, I get a message pop up "Please format number as nn,nn,nn"
2) Using inline edit, the floating element does not show the current value selected, and does not save the selected hh/mm time.

1) Hmmm, I can't see that error msg anywhere in the current code, and can't replicate it. Can you point me at your page?

2) Let's get 1) done first.

-- hugh
Can you check to see if you have a Javascript event on your teeoff time element which might be doing this?

-- hugh
thank you well spotted.

I should have checked, but we have not used javascipt in this list, so am not sure how it got there. Only thing I can think of is a clone of some other element.

However, no 2 in my post still persists. In other words, if I edit in a form, the element behanves as it should, but inline edit does not, as per item 2).

Bumping over the weekend doesn't usually achieve much. Give it a bump first thing on Monday morning. I've set up a test case, but have a rehearsal and a gig which will eat up most of my day, I doubt I'll get round to fixing this today.

-- bhugh
By bumping on a Sunday afternoon my time does not infer I want support over the weekend, just making sure this appears in someones inbox first thing monday morning.

As it happens, troester was able to help on a sunday, all linked to flexie.js

But while you are on this topic, would gold subscription give me 24h turnaround support then?

What do I do with a mission critical site that uses fabrik and experiences a problem on a friday night. Do I have to wait for Monday morning?

Unfortunately we can't provide weekend support. We are only two people and as such don't have the resources to guarantee 24/7 support. Often Hugh is on over the weekend, but I rarely am.

If you have a mission critical site I would suggest if you don't already have such a set up, to test on a staging site and have a process to push/revert from the staging site to the live site, so that if issues are introduced on the friday you would be able to revert to something more stable over the weekend until we could look at it.

What I do on a monday is get a list of the last 3 days posts, and go through them in a first in / first out manner. So I would reply to a thread where the last post was on a Saturday before replying to a thread where the last post was on a Sunday, so over the weekend the bump would actually shift the thread down in the order in which I reply to things.

However, on any other day a bump on a previous days post would make sense as I'd hopefully(!) only be looking at the previous 24 hours worth of posts.

Its not an ideal set up, but it seems to be the fairest work flow I have come up with so far.

- Rob
Hi Rob, I understand fully.

Please can you action point no 2) regarding this plugin.


I didn't mean to be dismissive, just letting you know that bumping on a weekend doesn't help much, and that a bump on Monday morning is usually more effective, because of the way we do the "FIFO" sorting of posts.

I'm almost always around on the weekends, as unlike Rob i don't have a life, but I tend to try and spend it doing "fun" coding, or working on the tougher problems that I didn't get fixed during the week. The best way to get urgent support from me over the weekend is to catch me on Skype.

Anyway, I'll take a look at the inline edit thing.

-- hugh
The time element has been updated to work with the inline edit plugin - its javascript object was missing update() and getValue() methods - resulting in the update not working
Thanks we almost there. It now saves the values correctly.

However, the very first time a list is displayed, and this element is edited, it does not pick up the previous element value, still shows HOUR/MINUTE.

But when I edit 2nd and subsequent times, it does what it is supposed to do, ie preloads the value, and saves the changed value.

I don't see that, for me the first time the inline edit window appears it contains the correct time in the the hour/min/dropdown
Could you point me at the page so I can check what is happening with the js?
hmm not sure whats up there compared to my test page. Can you PM me an ftp account so I can debug on the site?


Note that we often delete PM's, so our PM boxes are not full of y'alls server logins. one of these days, we'll come up with a suitably secure way of sharing these things between me and Rob. But for now, if one of us asks for a login again, assume we already know we've zapped the info you gave us "about a week ago".

Once we've accessed the same site a few times, typically it'll find it's way into our ftp clients, LastPass, etc ... but may take you telling us a few times.

An irritation, I know, but Your Security Is Our Concern. Loose Lips Sink Ships. PM Boxes Are Insecure. Etc.

-- hugh

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