Problem with tooltips for validation

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Well-Known Member
Since latest GitHub update (613), there is a strange behavior with the validation message: as soon as you click into a field (or select something in a dropdown), you have an empty bubble showing right to the field and you can't make it go away unless you refresh the page.

See the screencast to see what I mean:

Fabrik 3.1b - gitHub 613 - Joomla 3.1.1 - FF
hi - what settings do you have for the tips? Could you point me at a page that shows this behavior? thx
I made more test and narrowed down the problem with a main template issue: with Protostar, tooltips work as expected, not with my template.

If I look at the code of the page, I have this with protostar
<div class="control-group fabrikElementContainer plg-field fabrikTip fabrikDataEmpty" title="&lt;span&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;ul class=&quot;validation-notices&quot; style=&quot;list-style:none&quot;&gt;&lt;li&gt;&lt;i class=&quot;icon-star  notempty&quot; &gt;&lt;/i&gt; Ce champ est obligatoire&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/span&gt;" opts='{"formTip":true,"position":"right","trigger":"hover","notice":true,"heading":"Validation"}'>

while with my template, I have only
<div class="control-group fabrikElementContainer plg-field fabrikTip fabrikDataEmpty">

which explains why the tooltip is empty.
I just don't understand what wipes out the code after the class.
I've looked and looked but I don't know what part of the set up on the site template and/or assinged modules causes this.
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