Query from an external database based on a fabrik element


New Member

I created a query that takes data from an external database based on a element inside a fabrik form:

$myDb = FabrikWorker::getDbo(false, 2);
$myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true);
->where('myexternaldatabasefield = ' . $myDb->quote('{myfabrikform___myelement}'));
$fieldA = $myDb->loadResult();
return $fieldA;

The query was tested and worked fine on another site but on my new site it doesn't work and gives me the following error:

Call to a member function getQuery() on null

Can anyone kindly tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Hi, thank you for your reply,

the database from which I want to get the data is not under Joomla but it is external
Hi, sorry, now it works. It was another error into the e.mail plugin.

Thank you for your help!