Question about problem reporting format

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New Member
As I seem to keep running into problems/potential bugs, I guess before I get too overzealous blasting a new thread every five minutes, I would like to know what is considered the proper method of reporting on this site.

Should I create an issue at the github and post a forum post here?

Should I just create a forum post?

Where should I post problems for my version of fabrik? Side note to this, how do I find out my current version because understanding the github system gets very sketchy for me and I can never quite tell what I'm downloading.

Should I be posting 3.1a issues in the 3.1a testing forum or here as I am a subscriber? I notice that when I post over in the 3.1a forum, responses tend to take a couple days where as here their almost same day.

There may already be a format posted somewhere and I just missed it, but I'm not sure how to go about these things.

Best to post things in the forum.

I tend to answer the forums quicker than github, and in general there is no difference in response time for the moment between posting in bronze or in the 3.1.x alpha forum. I'd however, prefer it if you posted there as its easier for me to know that its a 3.1 specific issue.

understanding the github system gets very sketchy for me and I can never quite tell what I'm downloading.
I have a feeling that this might be a cause of some of the things you are seeing. Up till yesterday our wiki github page was not clear on how to download the joomla3 branch of fabrik, so you could have easily downloaded the master branch. I've updated it to contain the two direct download links for 3.0 and 3.1 -

Theres also a wiki page on what do report in an issue, and some steps you can optionally go over to try to pin down what might be the issue:
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